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Hurricane Evacuation Zones Map: Boston Evacuation Plan

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Residents of Massachusetts need to be aware of the best evacuation routes in order to avoid property damage during hurricane season. The Office of Environmental Health and Safety evacuation map is a good place to start. This map displays the location of commercial and residential buildings as well as buildings that could be affected by flooding during a hurricane. The site provides a full screen view of this map for your convenience.

Boston's current disaster plan includes improved coordination and updated evacuation routes. The city's MIS unit partnered with MEMA (Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency) to create a Hurricane Evacuation Map. This site also contains an interactive color-coded mapping tool that allows users to zoom into a residential neighborhood and confirm areas that are in an evacuation zone.

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This site has links to other helpful information. This site allows you to search for public shelters within a particular community. Evacuees may find it difficult to fill their cars with gas stations that are closed due to a hurricane. It is a good idea have a plan for getting transportation. If you have a pet, make sure to check with local authorities to see what accommodations may be available for them. You should also make arrangements with friends and neighbors to see if they can help you out.

There is also a search function that allows users to search for information on other hazards. You can learn more about major hazards like tornadoes or earthquakes. You can also access the blog and forum for more information on a specific area. The best thing about the site is its free use.

If you live in a coastal area, the "Know Your Zone” Program is worth your consideration. This program provides evacuation information to 1.25million residents of coastal Virginia. These zones were developed with local officials and are based off the most current engineering data. The website's homepage features an interactive color-coded, interactive map that shows evacuation zones. Click on the map to access it.

This site also contains a series videos that will give you information on how to prepare yourself for a hurricane. The best way to evacuate in a hurricane is by private vehicle. You can also count on the services provided by your local emergency management agency. They will coordinate all evacuation resources, including public shelters.

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The Hurricane Surge Inundation map on this site will show you which areas are most at risk of being flooded. The SLOSH model estimates the effect of a hurricane on an area.

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How to Navigate With or Without a Compass?

A compass is not able to tell you where your destination is, but it can help guide you back home if necessary.

There are three methods you can use to navigate.

  1. By landmarks
  2. Magnetic North (using a compasse)
  3. By stars

Landmarks are objects that you recognize when you see them. These can be trees, buildings, rivers, and so on. Landmarks can be useful because they are a visual indicator of where you're at.

Magnetic North is simply where the Earth's electromagnetic field points. If you look at the sky, the sun appears like it's moving across the sky. However, the earth's magnet field causes the sun to move about the earth. Even though it seems like the sun is moving across a skyline, it actually moves around horizons. At noon, it is directly overhead. At midnight, the sun will be directly below you. Because the earth's magnetic field changes constantly, the exact direction of its magnetic North pole is always changing. This means you might be off the course by quite a bit during a single day.

Stars are another method for navigating. Stars appear over the horizon to rise and lower. These points are in space and can be used to locate your position relative to other places.

Why are survival skills essential?

Basic survival skills include knowing how to protect yourself, make fire, build shelter, hunt, and fish. These skills are vital no matter where you live. However, they are even more important when you travel alone or in remote locations.

Other survival skills include navigation, self-defense and wilderness medicine. They are essential life-saving tools that should always be available before venturing into unknown territory.

You may also need to have other skills in order to be useful away from your home. You might want to learn techniques for climbing mountains if you're planning on going on vacation. Or, if camping in the desert is your plan, learn how you can survive in extreme temperatures. There are many ways to prepare for any situation. Don't be afraid to try new things and think outside of the box.

What is your most important survival tool?

The most important tool for survival is a sharp knife. It is not enough to just have any knife. You won't get much out of it if you don’t know how to properly use it.

A knife without its blade is useless. A knife without a blade is dangerous.

Master craftsmen understand how to craft the best knives. They take great pride in their workmanship and ensure each knife is perfect.

They maintain their blades and sharpen them frequently.

When you buy a knife, you want to ensure it feels right in your hand. It should be comfortable to hold.

There shouldn't be any rough spots on your handle.

If you do find such flaws, ask the seller to fix them. Don't accept a knife that doesn't feel good in your hands.

How do I pick the right knife?

Choosing the best knife for your needs isn't easy. There are many knife brands that claim to be the best.

But which one is the best? Which one is the best?

First, consider what type of tasks your knife will perform.

Do you plan to cut wood, skin or chop animals, or slice bread?

Your knife is it intended for hunting, fishing, or both? Is it intended for camping cooking, or kitchen cutting?

Do you intend to use it for opening bottles and cans? Are you going to open packages or boxes?

Do you need your knife to be strong enough for heavy loads?

Is it worth cleaning it after every use. Is it something that you will be doing often?

Do they need to maintain their edge for a long time?

What is the most essential item for survival?

Food is the most important thing that you must have to survive. Shelter from the elements and food are also essential. If you don’t eat you won’t live very long.


  • Not only does it kill up to 99.9% of all waterborne bacteria and parasites, but it will filter up to 1,000 liters of water without the use of chemicals. (hiconsumption.com)
  • The Dyrt PRO gives 40% campground discounts across the country (thedyrt.com)
  • We know you're not always going to be 100% prepared for the situations that befall you, but you can still try and do your best to mitigate the worst circumstances by preparing for a number of contingencies. (hiconsumption.com)
  • In November of 1755, an earthquake with an estimated magnitude of 6.0 and a maximum intensity of VIII occurred about 50 miles northeast of Boston, Massachusetts. (usgs.gov)

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How To

How to Dress Your Wounds?

It takes a lot to learn how a wound is treated. You need to be familiar with basic information such as anatomy, medical instruments, and physiology. If you do not have enough experience, you may hurt yourself when dressing a wound. You can dress a cut or wound by following these steps.

  1. You should clean the wound completely. Make sure the wound does not contain dirt and foreign objects. Apply gauze to the wound after it has been cleaned. Wash your hands thoroughly with warm water before you touch the wound.
  2. Use pressure. Place two fingers below the skin near the edge of the injury. Do not press too hard. This step helps stop bleeding.
  3. The wound should be properly covered. Sterile bandage material should be used to cover the wound. Nonwoven fabric, surgical tape and adhesive strips are all options for sterile bandages. You can keep applying pressure to the wound until it heals completely.
  4. After treatment, be sure to monitor the wound. You should be looking out for signs of infection such as redness, swelling and pus. These are signs that your wound is infected. Get in touch with your doctor immediately.
  5. Remove the bandage regularly. The bandage should be changed every day or whenever there are any signs of infection.
  6. Use warm water and soap to clean the area. Follow the directions on the package. Alcohol can dry out the wound so do not use it.
  7. Avoid scratching the area. The wound will bleed again if it is scratched.
  8. When you take a bath, be careful. Bathing increases the risk of getting an infection.
  9. You must take care of your wounds all the time. As you recover from surgery your body temperature will go up. A high body temperature can lead to complications. The wound should be kept dry and at a cool temperature.
  10. Seek medical attention if you are in pain. If you feel uncomfortable call 911 or go directly to an emergency room.


Hurricane Evacuation Zones Map: Boston Evacuation Plan